Thursday, September 29, 2005

Quenchless Thirst'

Sometimes it happens, that you want to talk to some one, who could understand you and dispel your fears, relate to your hopes and praise you when you are down, comfort you with words and do everything that could be done to make you feel proud of yourself and once again prepares you to take life head on but when you don’t have some one then….

You look at your mobile, which shows a memory of 73 and accordingly that means that there are 73 people in this world to whom you can talk but are they really people or just numbers whom you call ! Because right now I cannot find any of these numbers useful…for me all these 73 are just numbers and I know that if I call any one of them no one would be able to understand me, they all would take different positions but none of them would have the perfect answer for me and may be some of them would just laugh at it….does that make me unsuccessful even in making friends?
So rather should I have foes, because if I call and tell them of my insecurities at least they would understand it and will make me feel more insecure but at least they would understand me….

So N is back, my first thought when I heard that he is going to arrive was to dodge him and say “I am not in Delhi anymore” but than I realized that running away will not be of any help and for how long I would be able to do so, finally we are going to meet tomorrow, that is if he has time and I know he would take it out.
May be its 2005 and N is very much there, as successful as one can be and me still living in 2003 from where we both started, one now an Army officer and another still searching for what he wants to be, truly “Unsuccessfully yours”.

And now of my trifle one sided romantic allusion….well, there is nothing much left to talk about it , I don’t know if there was ever anything…nor did I expected anything out….I always knew it was going to end like this…but till it ends… “I’m lovin it”.
Just that T takes me like all others, she knows everything but as one of my friends said “She is too used to such type of overtures” anyhow for her remarks that did hurt me…… “Et tu T”……

Leaves are falling, and something's calling me here
The state of depression that I'm walking in
Got the impression that I won't stay here long
I know I am like this, but still I don't know what to do

The sky is darkening
I can feel it in the air
My heart is sinking
I know winter's on its way
I know I am like this
But still I don't know what to do
I know I am like this
Oh , show me what to do

I know there's a way to get this another day
When will I know if there's a way for me?
I want to lie in the sand and have the sun shine on me
Is that way too much to ask?
- by Six Pence None d Richer

1 comment:

the-think said...

AH, i have some 100 of those....and none of them worth dialing...damn! why do have a phone???
thanks for coming by..see you around more!