I have nothing to write. There are a lot of issues. Not with me but with others. I have stopped thinking about others and so the issues.
Come April and I get scared every year. I don't like to think about this month anymore. In fact a few years (or should I say centuries) ago I was all pepped up, when April started. Reason - I was born in this month, some…..come on…I don't want to do all that maths.
Anyhow, now that I've stopped thinking on those lines, let me give you a brief that how the first two weeks of April use to pass and what's the state now. But before I continue, let me tell you that I've never celebrated my b'day in school. Somehow it was always a holiday.
There are some memories of how my classmates use to celebrate their birthdays in school that I rue being not able to do -
1. The b'day boy/girl can wear fancy clothes other than the school dress. That was how we use to recognize the b'day boy or girl. I never had this chance.
2. The b'day boy/girl use to distribute toffees and the rich ones distributed chocolates. They made sure that their best friend gets two. This was essential so as to proclaim your best friend and clear any doubts. I never had a best friend till college so I always got one.
3. Most essential the class teacher gets to choose, how many she can take. For rest it was one. But I remember my friends had their favourite teachers so they also get a larger share. My favourite teacher thought I was the dumbest student.
Anyhow, this was about school. Now lets see, how my anticipation levels were -
Some 20 years ago -
I was very excited. I use to tell my parents in advance what I want. I know we were not rich, so my demands were very justified. But I never understood the concept of getting new clothes. Anyhow in the first week, my dad made sure that we go to the tailor and get me stitched a new shirt and pant. After effects - I still prefer wearing stitched shirts.
The first half of second week was all about inviting friends. Making a list whom to invite and who not to. One always makes sure to invite those people who are closest to your parents as you know they'll bring the best gifts. Dad comes come with the stitched clothes. Try them on and send them back if for any altercations.
The D-day: Mom use to wake up early. Prepare delicacies. Dad orders the cake. Everyone at home as it is a holiday. Relatives who live nearby come till afternoon. After mom insisting for the nth time, finally taking a bath.
In those times there were no CD players, so dad putting up H'bdy song cassette in the tape recorder. Finally other children arrive. More interested in the sizes of the packets they bring than what they wearing.
Unwrapping the gift with parents. Parents making a mental note of what one brought so as to replicate. NO RETURN GIFTS as we were poor.
A decade ago -
No more parties. Sister giving you the B'day card, first thing in the morning, which is also signed by parents. You hoping that the girl you had a crush and to whom you've left enough indications calls you and wishes you. Wait till afternoon. Only relatives call, that too a few. No friends remember. In the evening, you've a better dinner than usual days.
Some 5 years ago -
You away from parents in a distant city. Only two of your friends know that its ur B'day. Mom, dad and sis calls and wishes you. The girl you want most to remember completely forgets only to give you a pleasant surprise in afternoon. Unfortunately, this is when your two friends realise that today is your birthday. You bring some beers at night and of course dope. Stoned.
Now -
You don't want anyone to remember and you want some to remember. Your parents and your sister will call you. Of course your two friends will. You will be in office working. And least expecting surprises. At this old age…you don't want any more surprises.
Whatever.... I'll be lying if I say I'm not anticipating things to happen. Honestly, I don't want to anticipate. But like always I'm unsuccessful and the day will remind me more of that………
Hey this was really nice to read...thanks for sharing this...and well i'd also like you to drop by my blog on Birthday Celebrations sometime and check out all that i've posted there!!!
Happy Birthday d!
Where would you put this greeting? A surprise one I guess, and also that defies a definition since you cannot comfortably categorize it into any of your preexisting categories...hehe
An interesting write though, made me wonder how my celebrations (if any) had changed over the years.
good read and happy bday in advanxcce and hope its not april fool days joke
it is quite unnerving to know that someone else also had similar experiences...
shit man...
either ways good to have u around only if i only know u as much as u will let throught this out let...
Happy Birthday d!
I understand that "You don't want anyone to remember and you want some to remember" and yet I took the liberty...
Incidentally, I JUST posted on "The Namesake", hehe
Hi...did you not like my last comment? hmm..... :)
Thanx for ur comment u r ight its late just that i wanna include as much bollywood and hollywood as much as i can hence wanna write reviews of all films impossible but gave a start lets see
Thx carol.
III....I think wishes have also technologically advanced.
LF...nothing like that.
Pricky..hey...I don't knw..but I think most of middle class indians celebrated the same way.
POL....thts kewl..all the very best.
hehe!!very aptly captured!! have te same memoirs for my bday,wic incidentally is in April too!!Have survived mine,with a lesser calls from last year & yea..a lil surprise too..but nonetheless no complaints!!
gr8 read
Belated HBday.. I should have known you could either be of these three..
1. Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini.
Hope you had a great night..
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