Sunday, November 20, 2005


It has been more than 18 hours and I haven’t slept, I don’t know may be I am getting insomniac…. But than why sleep is deluding my eyes? perhaps I am not working hard, I have heard that a person who works hard gets a sound sleep, so I do not deserve it.

Sometimes I feel, my whole existence is like the early morning dew, which glitters only to be vaporized by the sun and than it becomes water vapour…than clouds…finally rain and this cycle continues on….is this an unsuccessful existence or a just one, I can’t decide but it is too tiring…..I would rather like to be “Air”…unbounded, omnipresent, sometimes mild and furious, bringing hope and destruction, different names according to different traits, to be precise, the prototype I will choose is, to be ‘Wind’…..yes I want to be Wind……deciding my own course… at will,one step down..three steps ahead, a force to reckon with....but is it really or just the Wind’ thinks so…who knows!

I have nothing to say
my pen is dry today,
Thoughts, I bargained them all
feelings, huh they just crawl,
I have lost all sense
like traveler in forest dense,
I have nothing to say
my pen is dry today,

Neither I have the Rama’s will
nor I enjoy the Krishna’s thrill,
Enlightment is out of question here
nirvana is what I fear !
I have nothing to say
my pen is dry today,

I called her name aloud
did she heard this sound,
My hollowness screamed
sweetheart, it’s a futile dream,
I realized, I have nothing to say
my pen is dry today,

I tried to wipe thy tear
eyes said, It’s a drought here!
Smile suddenly crossed my lips
like sand trickles down quick,
Again, I have nothing to say
my pen is dry today,

He from their above
who pull all string fine,
Wonders, why this boy tries
for when he is destined to make just ‘Unsuccessfully Yours’ rhyme,
And hence, I have nothing to say
my pen is dry today…….


Anonymous said...

WOW! I mean it! I seriously liked it First two lines I thought, okay he has written it himself...then the next lines, I thought, ohh maybe some big poet has written it.... hmm now I know u have written it urslef! I like this one and I like two points the most - 1. a futile dream ..the lover thing... 2. bargainin thoughts, 3. he is destined to make unsuccesfully yours' rhyme.... lolz 3rd one in BONUS :D okay ur pen said a lot even when it was dry. :)

Anonymous said...

so u made a decision of cell phone?

Nishu said...

i love these two "verses"

1. Neither I have the Rama’s will
nor I enjoy the Krishna’s thrill !!

sooo true, in love, they are the best examples of will and thrill! brilliant.

2. I have nothing to say
my pen is dry today,

so purposeful, and metaphoric!!

one can say u sound like dejected but the flame u have in ur heart of unquenched thirst is just brilliant!! no doubts.."hum toh kaayal hai aapki ada ke" (^_^)

illusion said...

I completely agree with nishu.. I mean the two lines are THE LINES !!!...boy, too much...

Heidi said...

When the pen is dry it etches lines that are deeper and faint, visible onlt to those who want to.Keep writing

D said...

To Gem Gurl....thx for the encouraging comments, Well I am waiting for the on Dec 01 and than an off to buy is only good as a student you see!

Nishu Sir'.....thx, the unquenched thirst yes, abt flame I dont always your appreciations...all Mine'

Illuzn...I am looking forward to your blog, atleast it gives a diff. view of cinema, which I generally find only in Hindus sunday mag, by Ziya us journo...for you sky is the limit!

Nut-Khat...checked your blog, I am sorry...should have been their earlier...but time constraints you see....yes...but smtimes dry pen tear the paper and there is when you wonder!